An athlete will misuse a drug for number of reasons. These factors can be associated with the drug itself, the person or their environment. Factors related to drug are effects of the drug, flexibility of availability, legal status, and physical dependence. Factors related to person are uneasiness with performance and progress, psychological dependence, desire to […]
Tag: Substance Abuse
The Difference between Abuse and Addiction of Drugs
Drug addiction and drug abusing seems to be similar, but there is a lot of difference between them. The only common thing between them is that both of them have harmful side effects in both social and physical way. Drug addiction involves the progression of acute drug use to the development of drug-seeking behavior, the […]
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
Number of people addicted to smoking is alarming. According to National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) conducted in 2006, the estimated number of smokers in US is 47.1 million. Out of which 26.2 million (23.5%) are men and 20.9 million (18.1%) are women. The tobacco in cigarette comprises of more than 4000 chemical compounds, of which […]
Opium – One Of The Easy Ways Of Drug Abuse
Opium is a highly addictive drug and the availability is also easy which makes it the easier way to fall prey of drug addiction. Opium is also one of the illicit drugs but as earlier ago as 100 AD, opium had been used as a folk medicine as a styptic, taken with a beverage or […]
Smoking Became a Preventable Cause of Diseases Worldwide
I have few folks who were the students of ‘Oregon Research Institute’ participated in Smoking Prevention Program few years back. In their research, they found the effect of smoking on ones health and diseases are age-related eye disorder, deeper wrinkles on skin as they age and women have greater risks of infertility, bad skin, bad […]