Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tag: Substance Abuse

Facts about Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drugs are the chemicals, which have susceptible impact on neuro-chemical balance of human brain that effects feelings and actions of an individual. Abusing drugs often or regularly leads to addiction. Although there is no particular age limit for drug addiction, earlier abuse causes more serious drug addiction. Reasons for addiction Every abuser has a different […]

Tips to Cut Down on Drinking

You may be asked to maintain a drinking dairy by general physician. How much you are drinking is revealed by this and in which situations you are drinking too much is identified when you are honest and accurate. These tips may be followed to cut down the drinking. Replace your common drink with another one […]

Impact of marijuana abuse on infants

Marijuana is one type of drug and THC its ingredient, a very dangerous chemical to say. It causes several adverse effects on human body. Effect of marijuana on user depends on the quantity of THC and it’s strength or potency. The average amount of the THC in test samples measures the strength of the drug. […]

All you need to know about Anesthetics

Anesthetic is a drug which causes loss of sensation. Generally it is used during the case of surgery. Many types of anesthetic drugs are being used now-a-days. In general, Anesthetics is classified into two classes: General anesthetics and Local anesthetics. General Anesthetics causes, loss of consciousness and whereas the local anesthetics causes, loss of sensation […]

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