Smart Tips For Smart Living

Category: Health

All about Mouth Guards

Mouth guard, an appliance made of plastic worn in any athletic activity for protecting teeth from injury and trauma. Usually, mouth guards cover the upper teeth, but in some cases like if you are wearing braces or other dental appliance, your dentist will make a mouth guard for your lower jaw as well. In this […]

Alternatives to Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgical devices that are a substitute for missing tooth or teeth. Many people prefer dental implants because it is a safe and successful procedure. If a person does not have enough jaw bone density, then he/she is not suitable for dental implants. In such cases the person can opt for other alternatives […]

Get to Know an Electric Toothbrush

What is an electric toothbrush? An electric toothbrush is a truthbrush works based on working of a small electric motor as opposed to a manually operated toothbrush. An eldctric toothbrush is also known as power toothbrush. How an electric toothbrush works? It works according 3D cleaning action. Electric toothbrushes gives like automatic bristle motions like […]

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