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The Growing Use Of Videos By SMBs For Marketing

ad serving I’m sure you’ve heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words”. One thing that people may not realize is that videos can be even more powerful! A well-made video can tell the story of your business so much more clearly than just words. Plus, they are cheaper than photoshoots and they reach a wider audience!

In this blog post, I will share some tips that can help you use video marketing to your full advantage as a small business owner. These strategies will help your business grow.

In a study of SMBs, marketing spoke to their preference for videos. The studies included a survey that consisted of a total of 580 respondents, with 437 responses from the small and medium-sized business market. Of that amount, 96% reported using at least one type of video to communicate their brand story or highlight their products or services.

Video marketing is taking over the web. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, now might be that time. According to a Business2Community survey, 59% of SMBs expect to increase the use of videos in 2015 and 20% have already started using them for marketing.

The Internet is a powerful platform for businesses to help them grow. Videos allow businesses to reach and influence their target audience in ways that traditional forms of advertising do not. However, there are many business owners who are still hesitant about investing in video marketing because they feel that the effort involved would be too much for them to handle. For those who want to succeed in this area, it is important to know how to effectively create and use videos as part of your marketing strategy.

The use of videos by small and medium-sized businesses for marketing purposes is growing. These video marketing tools allow your business to stand out from the crowd, giving you a platform that no one else can match. Ninety-five percent of consumers want to see video content, but only 50 percent do so online. The growing use of videos by SMBs for marketing.

Through authentic video, your customers feel a personal connection with you. It’s best when they get to see you behind the scenes, working on the product and interacting with fellow employees. A customer connection is formed, and the next time they’re looking for a product, their first pick will be yours!

There has been a major trend in recent years for small businesses to expand their marketing strategies. As this trend grows, so does the use of video for marketing purposes. The use of videos has been significant in marketing in recent years. It is expected that this trend will continue in the coming years because content creators have more and more opportunities to produce videos themselves and upload them on YouTube, which allows them to create a more consistent flow of thematic topics.

B2C companies have stated that the primary purpose of their business is to generate leads and customers. They strongly believe in producing content that truly engages its customers. As such, there’s a growing focus on digital marketing strategies that contribute to the overall marketing efforts of their brands. The digital arena has evolved tremendously over the years with new ways of providing credible online value on a regular basis.

There’s no better time than the present to start video marketing for your small business. We already discussed how beneficial video marketing can be, so this is just one more reminder of it. In a year, you’ll see that it’s been worth it.

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