Smart Tips For Smart Living

How to Safely Buy a Car Online

Though there is fast growth in online purchase, one must be very careful because there are several online frauds taking place now-a-days. If you are planning to buy a car online you must do it safely. Below are some steps that will help you in buying a car online in a safe and better way.

Step-1: If you are new to online purchase then you must be very careful in starting. Learn how to do online purchasing with the help of people who are good at this. Ask them for the good sites that will sell things online especially the car selling sites.

Step-2: Refer more number of sites that will really sell genuine cars and among them see which sites are having good customer reviews and more ratings. Do it with thorough research and guidance. Few tips that will help to choose the secured sites are, those sites that starts with “https” in the URL, if your browser is a latest version then the address bar or the site owners name will turn in to green color, there should a padlock symbol in the window frame of the browser when you are attempting to log in or register. This all indicates the credibility of the site.

Step-3: Once you have selected the genuine number of sites that sells cars online, check the site for the cars that they are selling in their site and do it for all the other sites you have selected.

Step-4: Among the sites check for the brand you are looking for. If it is available see the specifications, cost, features, etc. The branded car that you have chosen will have same features and specifications in all the sites and only the cost varies slightly. So, see to it that they are same in all the sites with slight price variations. This will show you the site is really authenticated or not. If the site is having too much variations then, better don’t trust it. It is better to check market directly or in the official site of the branded car that you have chosen for all the features before going for the online purchase because this will show you the genuine information.

Step-5: Once you are done with it ask the car dealer for price quotation, it is better to contact them directly, it helps in knowing the credibility of the person selling the car. See if the sites of the dealer asks for advance payments, if so don’t pay them and better don’t trust those kind of sites.

Step-6: Next ask them for the warranties that they offer and choose the best one even though it is bit costly than the other warranties offered by other sites. Better don’t go with the cheaper ones as they may not be credible. You must also check whether the car really exists that you have seen in the site because some people may cheat you.

Step-7: Once you trust the credibility of the site and the dealer. Purchase the car through safe payment. If it is online payment then you must be very careful as it is a huge amount. You must also tell the car dealer you will make the small payment at first and once you get the car with all the documents, manuals and tool kits what ever the car dealer promised then you will make the full payment.

These steps will help you in purchasing a car online. The main advantage of purchasing a car online is, it saves both your time and money.

Updated: March 17, 2015 — 4:25 am
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