Smart Tips For Smart Living

How to Change Engine Oil of Your Car?

Changing your car’s engine oil is a little tricky, but it’s an important step you need to take make sure your car engine functions optimally. However, if you don’t know how to change your engine oil of your car, this articles is the one you should read. Changing the engine oil of a car is simple. You just need to follow a few step to make your car ready with a new engine oil.

Drain the oil of your car
To drain the oil you must first lift the car using a jack after you park your car in a flat even surface. Else if you want to incline the car, you must place the blocks on the back tiers of your car. Now to heat up, keep your engine on to make the oil warm. This requires two-three minute’s of idling.

With this, the oil gets churned and heats up. Remove the oil cap which is on top of the engine with this the draining process of the oil becomes easy as the air flows inside which makes crank case empty. Through this place you will add the new oil after draining the old oil.

Another method to drain the oil is to remove the oil plug of the metal pan located near to the engine. Removing the oil plug releases the oil and after the oil released you must keep back the plug back.

Now replace the oil filter
See the filter that can be on any place of the engine. If you can’t find it see the one which you have purchased to have an idea how it looks exactly. Now, un-screw the oil filter, prepare a new filter which you have purchased and carefully screw it in the place of old one.

Add new oil
Now, at the fill hole add the new oil and the amount of oil will be given in car manual usually in “capacities” section. Then, put the fill cap back and start the engine and fix the oil change light. To reset, the oil change light you must go through the steps given in the car manual.

Used oil disposal:
The old oil should be emptied into a sealed container and see that the oil is drained completely, and if you want you can sell it to some car retailers otherwise recycle it and use it further.

This is how to change your cars engine oil. You can do it yourself as it is an easy process. Oil change needs just a few minutes and does not need skills to handle.

Updated: December 3, 2015 — 8:07 am
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