Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips on Winterizing Your Car

Traveling in winter can be problematic and hazardous. But by taking a few steps, you can prepare your car for the winter weather that can be nasty and intolerable. This article contains some tips for making your driving safe on tough roads during winter.

Tips for winterizing your car

1) Checking the tire pressure
Tires need to be properly inflated for ensuring that you have the best traction when you drive. Often traction control is at greater risk in rainy and snowy weather conditions. In your tires, the air pressure drops as the weather gets colder. Check with the mechanic and know how much pressure should be there in the tire. See to it that air pressure in the spared tire is proper and all the equipments for changing the tire is available in the vehicle.

2) Examining hoses and belts
Even if you are driving a modern car, get hoses and belts in the engine compartment checked regularly. Cold weather weakens the hoses and belts and they can snap or break when you are driving. Tow truck will be the only way for moving your car. Belts and hoses are only checked when your car is due for a tune up. If there is no due for tune up in the winter, it should be get it checked by the mechanic whether everything around the engine is holds well or not.

3) Replacing windshield wipers and wiper fluid
If a sudden snow storm passes by when you are driving at night during winter, what will you do? You will definitely click the wiper on. But will it work properly? Make sure to check wiper blades regularly, as they crack and deteriorate over time. It is always suggested that you should change your car’s windshield wipers every 6-12 months, especially before winter, so that if you need not worry when driving at night during winters. Wiper fluid should also be kept filled as water can help in assisting the breakup of ice and snow on windshield.

4) Getting the antifreeze mixture just right
Antifreeze substances help in protecting your engine from getting frozen in cold weather and getting heated in hot weather. Thus, it is essential to keep equal antifreeze and water in equal proportions – 50:50. You need not measure and pour the antifreeze and water, there are pre-mixed bottles of antifreeze and water available at gas stations.

5) Checking for battery
Winter can be the best time for checking the car’s battery whether the connections are free from corrosion and that the battery has the required amount of water. If the battery in your car is more than three years old, you should take it to certified repair shop for testing its ability to hold a charge.

6) Preparing an emergency kit
Emergencies can happen at anytime and anywhere. It is important to store an emergency kit in the car especially in the winter and when you are planning a road trip. Following stuff should be stored in the emergency kit:

  • Ice scraper
  • Extra pair of gloves and boots
  • A flashlight
  • A tire gauge
  • A spare tire
  • Extra set of warm clothes
  • A tool kit
  • Windshield water fluid
  • Paper towels

Having winterized your car means that you are prepared for any weather or situation you encounter.

Updated: December 4, 2015 — 12:02 am
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