Smart Tips For Smart Living

How to Live a Healthy and Longer Life?

Everybody wants to live a healthy and a longer life. A healthy diet and a healthy living will contribute to longevity of your life. Some changes in your daily routine will help you live a better life thereby increasing your lifespan.

Ways to live a healthy and longer life
Diet that is good for health: Fruits and vegetables are very low in calories, so add these to your daily diet, it will help you in maintaining healthy weight. Seafood like fish, shrimps, etc., lowers the levels of cholesterol thereby preventing blood clots and strokes.

Brown rice contains micro nutrients that can fight aging. It is also rich in magnesium that can reduce stress and lower level of cholesterol than white rice.

Consuming antioxidants: Antioxidants decreases the risk of cancer. Following are some ways to consume antioxidants:

  • Eating dark chocolates: Cocoa solids benefits heart and arteries and a dark chocolate everyday is good for your heart. Other chocolates do not have many antioxidants as a dark chocolate has. When you feel low, a dark chocolate is best for this situation as it provides energy.
  • Drinking tea: Green tea is less stronger than black tea and can be beneficial to health. It reduces the risk of heart attack and cancer. Other than this, it increases energy level, antioxidant content and metabolism rate. Antioxidant slows down your aging process, and increased metabolic rate will be good for losing weight. Try drinking green tea after every meal as it will keep you active and energetic.

Keeping yourself happy: Happiness is the key for healthy living. It can influence greatly on health. Following things can keep you happy:

  • Surround yourself with activities and friends that will keep you happy as well as busy.
  • Have positive views and eliminate negative thoughts from your life. Negative thinking can only bring negativity in your life.
  • Share your feeling with the person you trust and love. It will make you happy.

Developing strong bond with God: Take out some time for praying every day and engage yourself in reading that is inspiring. Happiness can only be achieved by satisfying spiritual and emotional needs. Devoting time for praying is a good way of living a healthy life.

Keeping yourself busy: It is a good practice to keep yourself busy, as it helps in staying away from bad habits. Exercising is a good physical activity that keeps your mind and body fit. Keep yourself occupied with some work. For keeping yourself busy, you can do some household chores, spending time with pets at your home, sporting, etc.

Practice regular exercise: Exercise not only keeps your body fit, but also improves mental health. It makes you more productive. Introducing some exercises in your daily schedule will help you stay fit. You can start with simple exercise like walking. Walking for at least half an hour reduces risk of heart attack.

Updated: January 8, 2014 — 6:43 am
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