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Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency in Children

Malnutrition is the chief cause for vitamin deficiency in children. If proper care is not taken in maintaining healthy diet, it may lead to multiple deficiencies. The deficiency may be acute or chronic. Therefore, proper and healthy diet is very important to keep the child fit.

Following are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in children.

Vitamin A deficiency (Night blindness) – Children lacking this vitamin are affected with eye related problems such as, they face eyesight problems and cannot see properly during night leading to night-blindness. Vitamin A should be included in daily diet. Some sources of this vitamin are leafy vegetables, carrots, eggs, etc. Most of the children show disinterest in eating leafy vegetables, so give them in the form of salads to make it interesting for them to eat.

Vitamin D deficiency – Children having vitamin D deficiency face a condition called “rickettsia”, which means improper formation of bones due to low calcium deposition. Vitamin D deficiency enables higher absorption of calcium, which is important for bones. This deficiency leads to poor formation of child’s bone, the bones are fragile and are easily prone to fractures. Milk is the best source to compensate vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin B complex deficiency – It is very important for maintaining both digestive and nervous system. It is the main source of energy production in our body. So children with this vitamin deficiency feel tired easily, do not feel hungry and can get affected easily by infections. Egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, nuts, milk, banana, whole grains, etc., can help in reducing this deficiency.

Vitamin C deficiency – Deficiency of vitamin C in children may lead to a condition called “scurvy”. It is associated with symptoms like dry skin, general weakness, low red blood cell production leading to anemia (low red blood cells – low oxygen supply- breathing problems), etc. Citrus fruits are the best sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin K deficiency – Deficiency of this vitamin is rare but is severe. Children who lack this vitamin cannot control flow of blood when injured. Deficiency of vitamin K causes delay in blood clotting.
If it is during pregnancy, there are chances of mother giving birth to a child who has underdeveloped organs. Chances of survival is also less. Best sources of vitamin K are cabbage, spinach, eggs, soybeans, etc.

Vitamin E deficiency – Vitamin E deficiency is very rare. Symptoms associated with it are low weight, poor feeding effects, muscle weakness, drooping upper eyelid, etc. Almonds, spinach, broccoli, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, etc., are the best food source to compensate vitamin E deficiency.

Make sure that your child gets all the vitamins required for the development of both physical and mental health. Some times children can also be given multivitamin supplements, but it has to be suggested by the doctor.

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