Smart Tips For Smart Living

All You Need to Know about Marble Flooring for Your Home

Marble is a metamorphic limestone, formed by undergoing extreme heat and pressure in the crust of the earth. It has been in use for centuries as flooring materials as it gives an elegant look to your home. You can use marble flooring for both interior and exterior for your home.

Types of Marble Finishes: When you go for flooring, most of them focus on color and design but not on its finish. You have to consider type of finish too because it adds appeal to your house. Discussed here are types of marble finish and its appearance to your room.

  • Polished Finish:
    • These floors give lavish shiny and formal appearance to your home.
    • Scratches and smudges are easily visible, because of thick coating on its surface.
  • Honed Finish:
    • These floors are dull and not shiny in appearance.
    • These floors create a casual atmosphere to your home.
  • Tumbled Finish:
    • These floors give antique appeal to your home.
    • This could be good choice for traditional home style.

Marble Flooring Color Types: There are different colors of marble floors available like white, black, green, red, brown, gray, gold, yellow, pink, green etc. Each color has different shades from light to dark. You can use these color marbles in different combination like white and black. These combinations should complement your home interior and exterior design.

Characteristics of Marble Flooring:

  • Appearance: Marble flooring give a lavish look to your home. But its real look comes from the type of finish, color and pattern. So, you can have it in the form of formal or casual or antique appeal to your home as per your requirement.
  • Suitable: These floors are mainly suitable for kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedrooms, and fireplaces.
  • Variety: These floors are available in different colors, designs, sizes in the market. You can choose one from this wide range of options.
  • Durable: These floors are highly durable and can withstand wear and tear. When you look at its durability is exceptional when compared to other flooring like wood flooring, vinyl flooring, cork flooring.
  • Easy to clean: These floors are easy to clean. You can clean simply with a piece of damp cloth.

You find a wide range of flooring materials at your fingertips. It could be cumbersome for you to select the right one. So, when you go for flooring, you need to know its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages clearly. Any wrong decision ruins everything like time, money. If you go for marble flooring, above description helps you out in taking decision.

Updated: August 29, 2013 — 6:03 am
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