Smart Tips For Smart Living

Benefits and Drawbacks of Laminate Flooring for Home

Planning to renovate your home? You need to consider things such as painting, flooring, interior design, exterior design, furniture and what not to make it a perfect appeal to your home. When it comes flooring, you could consider laminate flooring, also known as floating wood tile, for your house.

Laminate flooring comprises a multilayer product of synthetic material, and has appearance similar to that of hardwood, stone or any other surface. It is popular because of its durability, ease to install and maintain.

Laminate flooring is a substitute for traditional flooring like hardwood flooring. In this article, we take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of the laminate flooring, so that it could help you in making the right choice as per your requirements.


  • Economical Choice: Laminate flooring is inexpensive when you compare it hardwood or stone flooring. It costs half the price of solid wood flooring. It could be the best choice for you if you plan for hardwood flooring in your home.
    You could do the job yourself, as it is simple and easy to execute.
  • Variety: You can find a wide range of styles, colors and designs.
  • Aesthetics: It gives your home aesthetics look. You could differentiate little between wood and stone combined. It is photographic image of wood and stone.
  • Resistant to water, stain: Laminate flooring is resistant to stains, water and there is little fading because of sunlight. This is because manufacturers use melamine plastic on its top surface which makes it withstand high pressures.
  • Suitable for more used areas: Laminate flooring is the ideal option for areas highly used areas, such as kitchen, dining room, bed room as it is resistant to high pressure.


  • Not sand able or repolishable: After a few years, the laminate floor may fade or may get scratches because of repeated usage. It is not possible to sand or repolish as it is in case of hardwood flooring. The only remedy is to replace.
  • Not Durable: It is not durable when you compare them with the stone or wood flooring.
  • Unpleasant to Walk: You may feel unpleasant to walk on laminate floor. These floors are slippery. Therefore, there are chances of accidents when you walk with soak feet.
  • Noisy: Creates noise when you walk on it, which might be unpleasant to some people.

Hope you get clarity on the benefits and drawbacks of laminate flooring. This is a right choice for homeowners who want replica of hardwood flooring or stone flooring at an affordable cost, and need to enhance the beauty of the interior of their homes.

Updated: August 29, 2013 — 6:44 am
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