Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips for Car Braking Safety

Wearing and tearing of brake system depends on the driving patterns of the people. Mostly, braking system easily spoil on the city roads because there it requires continuous stopping and starting when compared to other roads. So, you need to check the brakes of your car whether it is properly functioning. If brakes fail, your car will not stop and might lead to fatalities.

Following are the tips that help you ride safely:

  • It is important to check the brake fluid at every change of oil because the fluid which flows on brake lines may slowdown if enough brake fluid is not supplied.
  • When riding, do not keep or rest your foot on the brake pedal. The pressure on it may lead to wear of brake pad.
  • Remove your foot from the pedal slowly, whenever you try to slow your car. By doing this, your vehicle will slow down.
  • If you use Anti-lock braking systems in your car, it limits and releases pressure to the wheel to stop the car locking up and skidding.
  • The brakes may become hot whenever you drive your car. If you try to cool your brake pads with cool water, the lining hardens and may lead to squeak.
  • Beware of the relative speed of the other traffic and choose different lane to for a safe drive.
  • Also try to know about conditions of the road when you are driving in a rain. It will help you drive according to that conditions.

Last but not the least, you can save your lives when brakes work properly. To make brakes work properly, you need to know how to apply brakes to prevent accidents.

Updated: March 9, 2017 — 6:19 am
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