Smart Tips For Smart Living

How to Prevent Car Accidents?

There are many reasons for car accidents such as weather conditions, breaking rules by humans while driving or not following rules of traffic safety by people, drunk driving, faulty roads, wrong side driving. Some are preventable and some are not preventable and can lead to severe injuries, crashes and deaths of a people. Before driving a car, you should consider many things for a safe and secure drive in order to prevent car accidents in any situations.

Below are some tips to prevent car accidents in any conditions:

    • If you are an experienced driver, make sure to follow the rules of driving. If you are unable to drive, opt for a reliable driver.
    • Whenever you are driving, be responsible to transport the innocent people inside the car to their destine place.
    • Be careful on the multi-lane roads because most accidents occurs on these roads whenever you try to escape to other route.
    • While driving, do not try to talk on cellphone because you will be busy in speaking on phone rather than what is going on the front. Also make sure that, you do not send messages when driving.
    • Keep your eyes on all areas of the car when driving to prevent accidents.
    • Beware of blind spots by adjusting your front side mirrors and rear mirrors.


  • When you are driving, go in a straight line and you turn the headlights on at night in order to prevent accidents.
  • Use car safety seats for keeping your children safe.
  • Always position your hands on the steering wheel like 9’O clock and 3’O clock. This position facilitates maximum vehicle control.
  • Always wear a seat belt while driving.
  • You can also opt for a reliable driver by just looking at a cars body condition.
  • Do not go beyond the limitations of the cars.
  • Do not drive at nights because you are in a state of tiredness at night.

Updated: March 9, 2017 — 7:15 am
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