Smart Tips For Smart Living

Urban Farming Health Benefits?

Urban agriculture is a practice of growing food products such as fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, honey, even space-using grains in urban areas (around villages, towns, or city skirts) that haven’t traditionally been dedicated to production of food. In yards, vacant places, community gardens, highway medians and other open spaces urban agriculture can take place.

However there are many benefits of doing farming in urban areas. Below are some of the benefits of urban farming:

  • It helps and bring the families and communities together by working toward a common goal that will be beneficial for all.
  • It gives direct links to food production.
  • Makes better environment to live by greening up the city.
  • It makes people more stronger, independent and empowered by putting their food security into their own hands.
  • It also gives counseling people life skills such as how to be more self sufficient.
    • Provides and creates jobs, income and food. It also assists combats hunger.
    • Educate people, who have been increasingly removed from food production to participate in and respect, its generation.
    • May help to clean air and rain water.
    • Prevents soil erosion and removal of topsoil.
    • Increases the food productivity and bought locally decreasing carbon foot print.
    • It facilitates reuse of wastes for food production.
    • Has direct impacts on urban ecology.
    • Creates jobs and income from the waste or empty land.
    • It will be beneficial to people of any income.
    • Creates a better local economy that does not rely on food from far away.
    • Valuable resources such as compost, will be better used.

Updated: March 26, 2014 — 3:56 am
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