Smart Tips For Smart Living

Safety Tips to Avoid Injuries When Doing Yoga

Yoga has become more popular in these days that everyone is showing interest to practice because it is offering many health benefits. Practicing various methods of Yoga can help improve balance, concentration, mental acuity, and flexibility of the body. Like any other sport or exercises, practicing some Yoga methods too can harm you in any manner, if you do not practice correctly or practicing without the knowledge of how to do that Yoga method. However, Yoga does not harm unless you cross the limitations of the Yoga method. Anyone can get hurt when s/he pulls or stretch the body when his/her body doesn’t support for stretching.

Following are safety tips to avoid injuries from Yoga:

  • Always appoint or hire an experienced Yoga instructor to teach Yoga for yourself for better learning. He will know what kind of Yoga practices to be taught for beginners.
  • Choose the appropriate dress (especially cotton is suitable because these are breathable) to wear for Yoga because lot of sweat comes from the body when Yoga is practiced. Here remember that choose the clothes which doesn’t look odd for others or others should not be distracted by your showcasing behavior and also it should not trouble you when moving from one posture to another posture.
  • Perform some warm-up exercise before practicing Yoga.
  • Bring Yoga props such as blanket, Yoga mat, Yoga belt, soft brick, cushion etc. Bringing your own props can help you stay away from the bacteria and also helps you maintain hygiene. These props will also help you from cold, slipperiness, and other injuries.
  • Never compete with others when practicing Yoga because tension may develop in your mind which can increase the chance of injury.
  • People who are having breathing problems should consult the doctor before practicing Yoga or should avoid breath holding practices.
  • Do not try to do Yoga methods in one day because some Yoga postures are so complex that they can be perfectly done until you practice for many days.
  • Some Yoga postures are done in a sequence order. Therefore, follow the sequence in order to avoid serious injuries.
  • If you experience pain, you discuss this matter with instructor to avoid injuries.

The main important thing is do not try to practice Yoga until there is a gap of 2-3 hours before or after meals.

Updated: December 18, 2013 — 5:50 am
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