Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips for Improving Your Website Performance

A business runs successfully when more end-users visit the website for shopping or for getting services from business. More attraction of users towards website means, the content provided therein is reliable and useful to the users. So, we can say that website performance is good because more users are accessing the website within a time or without any downtime. Facilitate your website to end-users effectively by furnishing the essential information in the website. Don’t include the information which is not needed. This will help the page load quickly.

Following are some of the tips for improving your website performance:

    • When visitors visit your website, they want some files or images downloaded to their browser. To get these images, they send you the requests. So, here you provide the images within a minimal number of requests to the end users.
    • Always use small sized images in your website. Smaller images will load faster than bigger images.

website monitoring

  • Clearly any doubts about your products.
  • Remove white spaces such as spaces and tabs in coding. Because this also takes longer time to download your page.
  • Use content delivery network to deliver your data faster to the end users.
  • Before sending the files to the browser compress files at the server level.
  • If you want to link any folders then use direct links. Never use import concept in your coding.
  • Always include Style-sheets on the top of the headers.
  • Put functionality related scripts on the bottom of the page.
  • Whenever visitors click your website logo, then they are taken back to homepage of your website.
  • Use bigger fonts.
  • Do not use frames in your website.
  • Use identical color for links throughout your monitoring
  • Write a unique META description for all of your main pages.
  • Include your business contact details like phone numbers, email address in your website.
  • Avoid pop-up windows.
  • While navigating from one page to another page, users should feel convenient.
  • Sometimes use some entertainment phrases to entertain them.
  • Never promote other businesses in your business website as this can increase your number of visitors but it drives your visitors to the other business which you have promoted.

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