Smart Tips For Smart Living

Maintenance Tips for Summer Gardening

A summer garden brings beauty and color to your home. It is at the summer time that the gardeners keep busy themselves in saving the beauty and health of the garden plants. It is not that hard to maintain summer garden. Remember certain essential summer gardening tips to maintain it and give a fresh look to it.Miniature plants

The most important summer gardening tip is watering. Do not forget to water the garden in the summer season. However, use water wisely and do not drench the garden regularly. Remember to avoid watering the plants in dark to assure dryness of each plant for reducing fungal infections. Be careful when watering miniature garden plants grown in containers, pots and hanging baskets as they get dried very quickly. Consider the quality of lawn and water it carefully as lawns can swallow up much amount of water.

Be alert when feeding the plants. This is because, excessive feeding results pests and diseases in garden. It is better to provide high nitrogenous feed for garden plants in summer. Even, some plants require high potassium feed. It is also preferred to use water soluble fertilizers for 7 to 10 days throughout the season. Ensure a slow release of fertilizers for the container gardens. The other important thing you should consider is the removal of weeds as they competeminiature gardening with your garden plants for essential nutrients and moisture. Pruning the plants is also required for an appealing look. Burn out the branches that are pruned out and dip the trimming devices in alcohol to avoid spread of any infections.

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