Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips to Remove Stains from Carpet

Most of the carpets in the homes are placed in the living room. So there is each and every possibility that they get stained very easily. It might be a candy or an ice cream or an accidental blood stain which may stain your carpet. So, here are few steps to remove different kinds of stains from your carpet.

  • To get rid of cheese stains from the carpet take some ammonia and mix it with some water. Spray this liquid of the stain and blot the moisture using a tissue paper. Repeat the process till the stain vanishes. After that clean that area with normal water.
  • To remove gum from the carpet apply some peanut butter on that area and leave it for one or two minutes. Now remove the butter along with the gum using a wet cloth. Finally clean the area with some soap water.
  • Milk stains can also be removed very easily from the carpet. Just take some washing detergent and add some water to it. Using a spray bottle wet the stain using this solution and blot it using a tissue paper. Continue the process till the stain is vanished.
  • If there are any nail polish stains on your carpet try to remove them using nail polish remover.
  • To remove wine stains from the carpet take three ounces of vinegar and six ounces of water and spray this on the stained area. After a minute blot it using tissue paper and repeat the process till the stain vanishes.
  • To remove tea stains take 3% of hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the stain using a small cloth. Leave it for one hour and after that clean that area with tap water.
  • Club soda is also a good solution for removing instant stains.
  • Make up stains can also be removed effectively using some alcohol. Just dip a cotton swab in the alcohol and apply it on the stained area. Remove the excess moisture using tissue paper.

These are a few tips which helps you in cleaning the stains effectively from the carpets. However it is always better to remove the stains when they were still wet.

Updated: April 22, 2013 — 11:13 pm
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