Smart Tips For Smart Living

Safety Tips for Women While Traveling Alone

Traveling is common for every one. Women traveling is also very common now a days. But traveling alone is risky to women travelers. Safety is an important aspect for women who travel alone. For this they have to prepare proper plan before starting the journey.

Some important tips for women travelers traveling alone are:

Keep all documents: Keep all the documents with you like passport, flight tickets and maintain a diary which contains the names, addresses and phone numbers of relatives or friends. Also note down the hotel phone number where you are staying.

Avoid the valuable things: Whenever you are traveling alone avoid the valuable things like jeweleries or valuable electronic devices or extra credit or debit cards.

Travel with insurance: Choose the better travel insurance plan for protecting unexpected incidents. Also have health insurance policies.

Be aware of surroundings: While traveling, use common sense to observe the surroundings. If you suspect any kind of danger, call the hotel to get the helpers or call the police. Avoid the dark areas to walk and always choose the busy ways to walk.

Take the directions: Whenever you are leaving the hotel take the proper direction for your destination, always choose the safer route directions.

Avoid fashionable clothes: Avoid the fashionable clothes while traveling. Dress conservatively, as fashionable dresses could spark the harassment. Avoid makeup, wearing jeweleries also.

Always use the map and directions: Women travelers should follow the map directions which are very helpful to reach the destinations, choose the right direction which provides more safety.

Choose the right hotel: It is very important for women travelers to choose a safe hotel which has more convenient public transportation and taxi facilities. You must also check all the doors and windows before taking rest in the hotel room.

Apart from all the above points, it is very much essential for a women to have good presence of mind to keep herself safe.

Updated: December 18, 2013 — 5:41 am
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