Smart Tips For Smart Living

In-home Remedies for Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding not only affects the dental health but also the other facial features. It is sometimes linked with much teeth pain. Hence, it’s necessary to get away from the problem of bruxism. Apart from certain measures for curing teeth grinding, there are even in-home remedies that are most effective. They are inexpensive and are the better solutions for teeth grinding.

  • Munching fruits like apples or vegetables like carrot or cauliflower before going to bed is the right option. It gives an exercise to the mouth and gums. It also calms your mouth before going to sleep that may reduce the extent of teeth grinding.
  • Certain calcium and magnesium supplements added to the diet help in preventing instances of teeth grinding.
  • A stressful work at your office may also trigger teeth grinding. A fresh and warm bath and massage relieves your stress, thereby, reducing bruxism.
  • Teeth grinding often is linked with irritating jaw pains. In order to minimize the jaw pains, take a washcloth that is dipped in lukewarm water. Put the cloth around your face in such a way that it runs from one side of your face to the other. Even head pains can be prevented in this way. Practicing this regularly before going to sleep at night reduces your teeth grinding problem within no time.
  • Drinking warm milk or hot herbal tea is another best home remedy for teeth grinding. Avoid drinking alcohol that would increase the chances of bruxism.
  • Tired muscles due to teeth grinding can be minimized with deep breathing techniques. It relaxes the pain associated and ensures a restful sleep when done before sleeping.
  • Sleeping on the back also keeps you away from teeth grinding. It has been found that when you sleep on your stomach or sides, there are more chances of teeth grinding activities. So, it is suggested to sleep on your back.

Follow these home remedy tips to get away from teeth grinding problems.

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