Smart Tips For Smart Living

Ideas for Just In Time Employee Motivation

Employees are the most significant part of an organization. Recruitment strategies provide competitive advantage for a company. After recruiting the employees motivation should be given to them by recognizing their performance. Employees respond best to informal and timely recognition of their efforts.

Here are some useful ideas for recognition of employee efforts which motivates them:

  • Recognition business cards are the business cards given to the employees after completing a difficult project, achieves his/her goals, or after an employee receives special acknowledgment from a customer or coworker. These cards can be simply designed or elaborated and it is important to have a blank space where the employee’s name is written, an area where the specific behavior being recognized can be written.
  • Creating recognition memos on gold paper is also a good idea. It is similar to RB card and it also has a blank space to fill in the employee’s name, specific behavior being recognized, and a pre printed statement telling the employee to bring the memo to their next performance review. Recognition memo should be read and signed by the CEO and all relevant department managers. The key to making recognition memos a successful motivational tool is to have all signers sign the memo within 48-72 hours and if it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get to an employee it is of no use.
  • An employee freedom card allows an employee to take a certain amount of time off of work and it is best suitable for salaried employees who have a certain degree of freedom over their work schedules. Freedom cards helps the employees to take a couple hours off work to lower their stress levels.

These kind of spontaneous and timely motivation practices, keeps up the spirit of employees which help in giving higher performance.

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