Smart Tips For Smart Living

Teeth Whitening and its Homemade Remedies

Everyone wishes to have a beautiful smile on their face. The whiter the teeth, the better your smile looks. Teeth whitening is a process of whitening the discolored teeth. Whatever may be the reason of discoloration, the process of teeth whitening brings back the shine of your teeth. Many people get feared of the dental costs that are associated with dental issues. However, there is a cheap way of achieving whitened teeth by using homemade remedies. Here are some of them that are easy to practice at home.

  • Baking soda is one of the products available easily at home used for tooth whitening. You can use it alone or mix with a toothpaste to neutralize the salty taste. However, it may damage the enamel if you use it too frequently.
  • Wood ash is the other natural teeth whitening agent that contains Potassium Hydroxide. Compared to soft wood, ash from hard wood contains significant amounts of the compound. However, scrubbing wood ash too harsh can wear down the enamel. So better avoid its use for a long time.
  • Sea salt is the other compound that is used in combination with water or acid like cider vinegar to whiten the teeth. But remember that repeated use of sea salt with vinegar damages tooth through decay or increased sensitivity.
  • Brushing teeth with strawberries whitens the teeth. It contains ascorbic acid that may harm the teeth. So once you brush your teeth with strawberries, brush them immediately with fluoride toothpaste and then floss.

Apart from these agents, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, apples, raisins, and many other compounds are helpful in whitening the teeth.

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