Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips to Dress For a Thanksgiving Party

Thanksgiving is usually one of those parties where the main focus is on lots of food and leisure. You can make a mark in the party by dressing accordingly. You can dress for Thanksgiving dinner by following a few simple tips which are given under:

  • It is better to go in casuals for these type of parties as Thanksgiving dinner often includes a lot of sitting around recovering from eating. If the kids are coming to the party it is better to wear a comfortable outfit because you may some times have to sit on the floor and play with them.
  • As these parties involves lots of food it is better to wear dark colored apparel because the clothes you like the most may get spoiled if the cranberry sauce or gravy, stuffing or green bean casserole may spill on to your dress.
  • Indulgence at thanksgiving often leads to a very expanded stomach, so wear a belt which has extra notches to go larger or better. It is also useful to wear a dress with an elasticized waist that will expand along with you.
  • Wear a footwear that gives you comfort and an after dinner walk is good for the health, as it also gives some fresh air. Make sure you wear shoes you can walk in, even if it’s just around the block.
  • Turkey pin or a wrist band that proclaims gratitude will give you a way to show you are celebrating the holiday. Throw on a pilgrim hat for the heck of it and just take it off during dinner so you are not rude.

Since thanksgiving parties are for casual purposes, a casual look has to be maintained.

Updated: April 24, 2013 — 7:47 am
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