Smart Tips For Smart Living

Know How to Handle a Babysitting Emergency

Many people hire babysitters these days in order to take care of their infants. Infants often face many dangers daily during their course of walking or crawling. At such situations, a babysitter should be familiar to act accordingly and resolve the problem. Here are some suggestions you can follow for handling an emergency while babysitting.

  • Be calm and do not get panic. If you get worried, the child also becomes panic.
  • Perform proper first aid treatment to the child. It is better to know if the child has a history of taking any medication. If so, then find the dosage and possible side-effects of it.
  • Assess the reason of the injury. Check if gas is leaked or observe any blood stains if the child got injured. Apply specific medication if you know.
  • If you are trained to use certain instruments, then check the temperature, blood pressure, and respiratory rate of the child if necessary.
  • Do not leave the child alone and stay with him until the problem is resolved.
  • If you do not know what to do at an emergency situation, then call the parents and inform.
  • When you decide that the emergency cannot be handled, call 911. Make sure that concerned officials and parents are informed about the situation. Find certain things from them that could be followed by the time they reach home.
  • In case of power outage, check for flashlights and emergency lights. You need to know where they are placed in home.

Controlling an emergency situation decides the skill and experience of a babysitter. Tips for CPR and first aid are to be taught to a babysitter for providing at least basic treatment.

Updated: December 18, 2013 — 5:05 am
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