Smart Tips For Smart Living

Things to be Considered While Choosing a Barcode Printer

Barcode systems are used by many people these days. Hence the business of barcode label printing is also in rise along with it. A barcode printer has to be purchased by one before using a barcode system and equipment. Barcode printers are available in many specifications. Based on the requirement we need to choose the barcode printer. However we need to consider certain things before choosing a barcode printer.

  • Certain symbologies are used by the barcode systems. Care should be taken that the barcode printer prints the right symbology that you require. The choice has to be taken whether you require a printer that prints UPC labels or a printer that prints Code 39 labels.
  • It is often seen that certain barcode scanners need very high resolution of labels. At such instances, a high resolution printer having high quality output print has to be chosen.
  • Sometimes the choice of barcode printers is also dependent upon the environment where it is to be used. For example when a thermal transfer printer is used, the ribbon has to be changed frequently. If such printers are used in manufacturing environments it would waste a lot of time.
  • Cost factor is another thing that should be considered before choosing barcode printers.
  • Certain barcode printers such as general purpose laser jet and ink jet printers are not suitable for printing the barcode labels. An add-on requirement is necessary for such type of printers. Also some limited symbologies are printed by such printers. So it is required to check the add-on requirement devices that are essential.
  • It is known that the thermal transfer barcode printer helps in printing the barcode on a variety of materials when compared to direct thermal printer. So, a barcode printer has to be selected based on which material is being used for printing.
  • A direct thermal printer has the ability to print labels faster and is used at situations where speed is required. If you do not require more output, then using such printer may be wasteful. For example, in a hospital each and every patient is given a barcode for identification purpose. At such cases choice of barcode printers takes an important role.

Updated: December 18, 2013 — 4:58 am
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