Smart Tips For Smart Living

Tips for Using Turquoise Jewelry

For making different types jewelry items, metals and gem stones are used. Different types of gemstones which are used mostly in making the jewelry items are amber, sapphire, jasper, quartz, ruby, turquoise etc.

Turquoise is the gem stone, which is used in making the jewelry pieces look more brighter and attractive. They are porous rock materials which are of green and blue colors.

Because of the porous nature the turquoise jewelry is to be maintained carefully in order to avoid fading. Discoloration will be the main problem which results using the turquoise jewelry. Some of the tips for avoiding the discoloration of the turquoise jewelry are :

  • Mostly skin oils are responsible for the discoloration of the turquoise jewelry items. The oil will be absorbed by the material and the discoloration will be caused.
  • Remove the turquoise jewelry whenever you are doing the exercises. As the sweat will be absorbed by the materials.
  • Apply the cosmetics well in advance before wearing the turquoise jewelry, so, the fading of the jewelry may not occur. As, the chemical based cosmetics will change the color of the jewelry.
  • Don’t ever expose the jewelry for a long time in sunlight. This will also reduce the stone color.
  • Always store the jewelries in cool, dark place in a box. Keep this box away from sunlight.
  • Using the turquoise reinforced with veneer. They are less sensitive to the light and other chemicals.
  • Clean the turquoise with the damp cloth and and always you should store them by drying them within a soft towel.

These are the tips for storing, using and safeguarding the turquoise jewelry.

Updated: March 29, 2013 — 3:05 am
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