Smart Tips For Smart Living

Rules of the Blackjack

Blackjack is a simple game and there are a few basic rules in this game. Generally, blackjack rules are posted on a sign at the blackjack table to the right of the dealer in casino. Before starting a game, you can look at them.

Start of Play: Player must bet money before dealing with cards. Player must keep the money on designated space by keeping a bet in front of his position of the table. Two cards are given to players and two cards for dealer for himself. Dealer’s card between two is face up and another is face down and cards of player can be either face up or face down on the table. There are 10 points for Kings, Queens, Jacks, it can be 1 or 11 points for Ace, it depends on other cards of the player, other cards points are considered as face of such cards.

Blackjack: Player wins, if his first two cards are an Ace and 10 or face card. It is a standoff or ties when the dealer also has blackjack. 3 to 2 odds are paid to the player by winning a blackjack.

Hit: If another card is drawn then it is called as hit. Such card is signified by a player by scraping the table with his cards in face down game or if it is face up game then scraping can be done with fingers. Player will be at loss, if he busts means score goes over 21.

Stand: Player does not receive any card then it is called as stand. If it is face down game player gives the signal by placing his cards under his wager and if it is face up game he moves his hand in a horizontal direction.

Surrender: If a player leaves first two cards then he loses only one half of his original bet in the game.

There are still different options to the player such as double down, splitting pairs, insurance and etc. So, player can chose any option according his convenience in a game.

Updated: October 14, 2010 — 8:10 am
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