Smart Tips For Smart Living

General Tips For Storing Perfumes

Because of the excess cost of the perfumes these perfumes are to be maintained and stored carefully after the usage. For the longevity and storing the perfume without spoiling these steps are to be followed.

  1. Keep them away from direct sunlight
  2. Dark and cool places are used for storing
  3. Avoid exposure to the air.

If you keep the perfume exposed to light, the fragrance will be lost. Mostly the perfumes must be stored in light-tight aluminium bottles or else they are stored in the same package and are to be kept in cold place where the temperature is in between 3-7 degrees Celsius. As the head space of the bottle is filled up with the oxygen it can’t be removed completely, instead of using rollers if dispensers are used the oxygen content can be minimized. These sprays are also prevented from loosing the fragrance and keep the perfume away from dust.

For the small samples Ice cube trays are being used for storing. In the store rooms for food i.e., in pantry also the perfumes can be stored. Hanging racks are being used for the storing the perfumes.

Updated: September 20, 2010 — 6:14 am
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