Smart Tips For Smart Living

Re-Energize Your Feet While Sitting

During course of the life we feel pain in the feet similar to the rest of body pains. Re-energizing the feet is very important and the process is very simple. It can be done by sitting at your desk, at home etc.

The following are few exercises to re-energize the feet while sitting and do at least one exercise from the below by sitting.

Foot Relaxer
Shake the legs to make free moment of muscles and the joints. And relax them, then wiggle your toes, and this can also be done for hands.

Foot Press
Take of your shoes and touch the feet on floor, place one foot on other. By placing one foot on other press the top one down toward the floor while pulling with bottom foot.

Toe tap
Place your feet on floor and tap your toes as though you’re pressing down on a pedal one by one.

Toe Writing:
Try to write letter from A to Z with your feet on floor.

The Grip:
Try to pick something like a pencil or small stick with tour toes after removing your shoes.

Updated: February 9, 2010 — 6:54 am
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