Smart Tips For Smart Living

Benefits of Running for American Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is operating since 1913 with a mission to fight against cancer and help the patients of cancer. The ACS is famous for conducting athletic events like Charity Runner. It is designed to help both the athletes as well as the organization to some extent.
Running for a ACS is a dream for many novice athletes. Benefits of a participant of a Charity Runner include,

  • Free team training to enhance their athletic skills.
  • Personal fund raising website.
  • Some more benefits like gear check, private changing areas, cheer teams, T-shirts, on the day of event.
  • More over, it is the sensation of the athlete that he is fighting against a great illness, which is greater than any of the above benefits.

But the ACS is also concerned about its costs and investment on the race, and expects each and every participant to reach minimum fundraising standards. ACS claims to have raised around $5.2 million in funds and helped more than 5000 athletes since 1996.

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