Smart Tips For Smart Living

The Clever Rental Scam behind Craigslist

Craigslist has been offering its services since 1995. It has very good reputation and I don’t think this is the good way to deal such a lovely network.

The scam which is going out there is popularly known as Craigslist scam has affected lives of many innocent people.

The scam is clever but simple. It should have been designed by some criminal master mind to do such a fraud and so openly.

There will be a team of criminals who use untraceable mobile phones. They then search for vacant and high-end homes which have been listed in the Multiple Listing Service by some realtors. Then they select one from the short-listed ones.

They somehow get the pictures of the house and paste it on the Craigslist website but with their contact information along with it.

When people contact them, they apparently give them reasonable story on the situation of why they have to leave the house immediately. Then they get the personal information and get some deposit or some kind of advance. When you turn up to the house, you will see that you have apparently been fooled by the scam.

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Updated: April 27, 2010 — 7:03 am
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